Wednesday, January 14, 2009

dude....garlic is strong....

Most of you probably know about our (Steph & me) garlic mashed potatoes we made a long, long, long time ago. We accidentally got the garlic bulb confused with the clove. So the potatoes were, well, very garlicy. Well, now Steph just obtained a new pampered chef garlic press.....the best part of this garlic press is that you don't have to peel the garlic. And since we both now have an aversion to garlic, this is wonderful. So we are going to try to make them again..... :) BOOM. Let us know if you want some....

here's a picture of the garlic we put in the mashed potatoes...yuck...yuck...


nicolas john laparra said...

I want some of the new mashed potatoes. That is, if Sarah makes them, or Ellie. Just not you two! JK... I would love some of your mashed taters with the new garlic press!

Anonymous said...

Come and get 'em!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! You and Becky should come over sometime and we'll make em. They will be better this time...hopefully. :)

Bethany said...

you guys! that garlic presser is my all-time favorite kitchen gadget! and garlic is very helpful for you too.

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