Tuesday, January 06, 2009

some really good music

Sovereign Grace Ministries has a new CD (Together for the Gospel Live) by Bob Kauflin and it is really good! When Steph and I were in Cali, the CD was in my sister's Jeep we drove for the week. It played through it's entirety about three times in one afternoon as we got lost in the ghetto of LA. The best part was driving through the mountains of Malibu while listening to the words of Before the Throne of God Above. So worshipful. We both bought the CD and listen to it all the time at work, home, ipod, everywhere. Go get it!!

You can download three of the songs free on the SovGrace webiste.

P.S. This is a shout out to one of our fav. worship leaders -- Bob Kauflin -- we'd like to wish him a happy birthday! (Jan 7th)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

woooot wooooot!!! :)

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