Thursday, March 15, 2007


Ellie got her hair "lopped off"....but all for a good cause. Her hair is going to be donated to an organization called Locks of Love. This organization makes wigs for cancer patients who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy.
Here are some pictures that document the occasion.

The old Ellie (actually this is from October of 2006, so this isn't a good depiction of how long my hair really was).
The new Ellie with the 10"+ of hair that was "lopped off"

Sarah with Ellie extensions!


Anonymous said...

ellie, i am very proud of you. i hope you dont mind if i start calling you mom from now on. (JUST KIDDING JUST KIDDING! im really just kidding, for real. your hair looks wonderful.) much love, daughter (aka kate)
p.s. sarah looks hot with the hair extensions. keep up the good work.

Christi Joy said...

WOW!!! Ellie, you look like a totally different person...well, not totally. It's really cute. I like it. :) Can't wait to see ya Sunday.
P.S. Andrea told me about this blog. I haven't updated my blog for a LONG time, but you can still read it if you want to know what I wrote when I was younger. :P

Rachel said...

Hi Ellie - you look great. Big difference from when I saw you Wednesday night. I've enjoyed giving my hair to Locks of Love before too. I just found your blog today. If you want you can check out my blog at I just started yesterday so there's not much up yet. Rachel G

Anonymous said...

Ellie, new do looks good. I like it.

Tell the basement dweller(s) not to make my room too feminine. (What, you haven't heard that lavender is the new man-color?)

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