Thursday, March 22, 2007

live blogging....

we are live blogging the NCAA tournament, in that we are sitting in our living room, watching the games and blogging about what is going on.

AF "c'mon Othella!"
AF "YES!! you guys this is awesome!"
JP "wait were they behind?"
SJ "this is awesome"
AF "you guys...OH NO! you've got to be kidding me"
PM "the key to sports is you make a guess"
AF "no you don't make a guess you pick a team and get behind're passionate"
JP "yeah, you're passionate"
AF "yeah you don't always pick the team that you think will for example I didn't think that Indiana would win but I really wanted them to"
JP "in other words its an inclination of the heart not the mind"
AF "Pete, what team makes your heart flutter?"
PM "is that what this is about?"
AF "you guys 2pts!"
SK "let me go finish reading Jeremiah, then I'll come up"
PM "That's what I should be doing...let's go. yeah, none of these teams make my heart flutter"
SJ (to PM)"I'll tell you what make my heart flutter...your hair!"
AF "Ohio state is going ahead!"
AF "Mark this moment! OHIO STATE is AHEAD! They're ahead by 2!"
PM "this is too exciting I don't know what to do with myself"
JP "okay you can't make it too long otherwise..Ellie you don't want to be like my little niece"
SJ "she's Tim Challies"
AF "you know who you remind me of Antone Appollo Ono wait what is his name....?"

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