Saturday, November 15, 2008

height changes

Has anyone noticed that you are taller in the morning than you are at night?

I've noticed this because I have a habit of looking out our little sliver of a window by our front door because there is so much activity going on outside at all hours of the day and night. But the point of the story is that at night, I have to stand on my tip-toes but in the morning, I don't....

Maybe everyone already knows this but I did a google search and read that our spine compresses during the day and therefore makes us shorter at night.


Courtney Reissig said...

Can I guess who wrote this post? I am guessing it is the one who can't get any homework done because she is so busy watching the flurry of activity in the neighbhorhood. :)

Every day is an exciting new day in Phillips.

Thank you for the fun fact. I had no idea.

Katie said...

I think you're right Courtney!

Anonymous said...

We also retain water at night. I think. BC my hands are always swollen at night. Anyone, anyone?

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