Saturday, November 29, 2008

knitting frenzy.

Lately, there has been a lot of knitting at 2520.  Last week I came home and there were seven girls in the living room having a knitting party!  One left before the picture but here are the rest of them: 

I don't know how well you can see the item that Steph is holding up but in case you can't tell, it's a wrist-band she made for me.  It's lovely!  


Anonymous said...

way to go ladies!
preparing for the minnesota winter!
ps-i think you should do a post on your newly acquired jewelry. andrea, you know what i'm talking about.

Anonymous said...

i seriously LOVE knitting! so love it. good workout for your forearms. ;)

Anonymous said...

Once upon a time, I knew how to crochet (only extremely basic stuff, mind you). I never learned knitting, and what I did know of crochet I think is now lost in the depths of my brain somewhere...perhaps never to return...
All that aside, you girls look like you're having fun! :)

Andrea, to answer your question, my car hood started to emit smoke and fumes last Wednesday as I was coming home from school. Never a good sign. I think it's my power steering belt. The mechanics are looking at it today, and now I'm waiting on the dreaded phonecall to hear what the damage is. I've had a number of car problems this year, hence, my frustration. ;)

RCEC said...

This is hilarious.

Courtney Reissig said...

I love knitting too! Even though I am really slow and bad at it!

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