Sunday, November 09, 2008

hey 2520 readers...

Why not make the blogging world more fun and friendly?

We've recently realized that we have some anonymous readers...some that we now know about :) and maybe others that we don't.

So we would love to hear from all the anonymous readers. Those of you who have made your presence known, you can give us a shout out as well!

Au Revoir!


Gabby Huerta said...

I am Gabby. Faithful blog reader and devotee since 2007 (I think...) and I love your blog. Just not as much as you guys yourself.

Scott said...

I laughed when I saw this post, thanks for writing it :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm here, as you well know!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My name is Jenny (or Jen). Yay, we're friends now. But! There was a time we weren't. Yes, I used to be one of those quiet blog lurkers. Then I'd sit at church and admire you all from afar. "Wow. It's them, IT'S REALLY THEM. I wonder if I could ever be their friend someday. Ha, like that would happen. What do I do, walk up to them and be all like, 'Heeey...yeah, I read your blog. It's pretty great. I already know you on a first-name basis, and I think of you guys when I shop for mascara now (that post was from a long time ago) and things like Chipotle and DG conferences and head dancing and the Bethlehem picture directory with will never be the same! ...How are you?" ??!!?

I might have freaked you out just a little.

But thankfully, this story has a happy ending. In addition to the things mentioned above, I also appreciate the thoughts and insights you share in how God is working in your lives and what He is teaching you. So glad to have met you all! :)

Courtney Reissig said...

Ahh the mascara post! I remember that night. :) And the directory photos. Andrea's is the best.

Of course, I am still here. I would never leave you girls. I read faithfully because I miss you so much.

See you soon!!!


ps: I think we are still waiting on some of you anonymous lurkers to step up and reveal yourselves. You know who you are....


ehl said...

thanks to those of you who have come "out of the woodwork" to comment! we appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

hi girlies!
it's me, bep.
we should get together soon!
good to see you at the seminar.

Zach Tarter said...

Hey Girls!

It's're in my blog line-up every lunch hour! :)

Manda (+2) said...

Present and accounted for since 2007. hugs girlies!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm Talitha. Most of you know because I sign my name at the bottom so I really don't need to do this but hey, in case you stumbled across this blog I am Talitha Piper and most of you guys and gals know my dad. That was a really long sentence to tell a short thing but I do that a lot of the time! (heehee)

oh, I better not forget my name.......

Autumn said...

Okay, so this feels a little strange...I'm sitting in the 2520 family room commenting on the 2520 blog. BUT, Ellie and twisted my arm enough to get me to comment. I don't really have anything to say, just that I'm commenting for the sake of commenting. But am I really considered a "silent reader" if I've commented before? Even if it WAS just once.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading. Through not for as long as most of the others lurking about. Glad to know you guys and have awkward moments at your house:)

Anonymous said...

Hey all you girls! This is Courtney and I've been reading your blog for a while now, I've just never commented. I'll just let you know thar your blog continues to make my day..... :D

Courtney A :-)

Anonymous said...

hey everyone!!

and bep, it was so good to see you too! we should definitely get together...sometime soon! maybe when gabby comes back for thanksgiving we could all hang out???

Rachel said...

I found your blog from Molly Piper's, who I found through her husband, who I found through my Pastor! I love blog-hopping! Love the random thoughts on your blog...entertaining, to say the least!


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