Saturday, November 22, 2008

writing idea?

Anyone have any good ideas for paper number 3 in my Creative Writing class? For the first paper I wrote about experiencing pain through other people (focused mainly on my sister's boyfriend almost dying). I wrote about my trip to China and true happiness for the second paper. If you have any brilliant ideas for the third one, I'll take 'em.......


Scott said...

How big is the paper supposed to be? Does it have to be nonfiction? Is poetry an option? You seem to like writing about stories in or near your life, so you could pick another story or try for totally different format.

Fly_Away said...

Write anything under the theme "Contentment"

Anonymous said...

Scott, thanks! It's a 10 page paper and non-fiction. It's not supposed to be poetry...I guess poetry could be part of it but I am HORRIBLE at writing poetry!

Trent! I never know when you are serious or joking.......

Anonymous said...

- first impressions (of a person/people, place, idea)
- how a seemingly small thing/event in your life had a big impact on you
- conflict? not sure where to go with that one...
- why mice are bad for one's physical and emotional wellbeing

Just kidding about that last one! ;) Are these papers supposed to be related to you and your life, as in, somewhat autobiographical? I find myself only thinking of these relational topics! I'll keep thinking and let you know if anything brilliant hits me. :D Is this your last paper in this class?

Anonymous said...

something that brings intense joy to some, and deep pain to others

Our Family said...

What about how a particular book or author has changed your point of view in a very influential way. Some might write over C.S. Lewis, , Jonathan Edwards, John Piper, Trenton Burns... you know, great authors. :)

Fly_Away said...

Andrea, serious.

Janice, honored.

Unknown said...

well...if you want something humorous a certain trip to chicago comes to mind:)

Anonymous said...

You should write an essay on how to improve your productivity to meet the efficiency of your co-worker.

Anonymous said...

thanks for your ideas!!

Scott said...

so what did you write about?

Anonymous said...

I ended up writing about my roommates. It was Katie's idea. It was fun to write about them because they are great.

Thanks for your ideas!!

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